The English Heretic Collection

By Andy Sharp - From Repeater Books, October 13th 2020

Ritual History, Magickal Geographies

The English Heretic Collection

Praise for The English Heretic Collection

“Compelling, playful, and unsettling... To open this book is to open a gate leading to an England you always — but never before — knew existed.”
Christopher Josiffe, Fortean Times news editor and author of Gef! The Strange Tale of an Extra-Special Talking Mongoose

“This, a compendium of Andy Sharp’s essays, travelogues and entertainments as English Heretic, is both scholarly in its analysis of the roots and branches of the forest that is the English ‘wyrd’ and fascinating for the generally curious. Beautifully written and alive with ideas, it’s a primer to a whole range of cultural tropes and historical contexts but also a working field guide to a haunted geography of the national psyche. It’s an alternative England, one of decommissioned nuclear bunkers, abandoned villages and creepy public information films, an England where the shadow on the horizon could be a signpost but might be a gibbet.”
Stuart Maconie, The Freak Zone, Radio 6

"At last a compendium that documents the high wyrdness of English Heretic's expeditions and research. Now that's what I call hauntological and psychogeographical transubstantiation..." — Drew Mulholland

“Andy Sharp is dangerous. An occult folklorist, he explores an alternate reality that seems to exist only in the underlit margins of pop culture. Through cross-examination of key esoteric texts, Sharp goes spelunking in this heretical underworld. The entities he reveals may be familiar, some repulsive, but once you submit to his method, there’s no escape to the surface, because this hell zone is life itself.”
Simon Sellars, author of Applied Ballardianism: Memoir from a Parallel Universe

“A tour de force through contemporary occult and popular culture, a madly spinning windmill of the mind. It’s a work that leaves the reader haunted by the multitude of interconnections that cram its pages, forcing a stark reevaluation of former certainties.”
Marcus Williamson, journalist and contributor to The International Encyclopaedia of Surrealism

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